The Spotlight: “Scary” Movies & TV

The Spotlight: “Scary” Movies & TV

A friend and TBBC crew member asked me today, “Can you recommend a movie that really scares me?” Now, after going through all the obvious answers that we can agree upon as a society: Jaws (1975) (I was convinced Jaws could appear in a pool thanks to this movie which ruined weekly trip’s to Nanna’s pool), The Exorcist (1973), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and Deliverance (1972). Man, the 70s were dark, huh? I...

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The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

2013.179 minutes. Rated R. Quote “You show me a pay stub for $72,000 on it, I quit my job right now and I work for you.” Did you ever have an amazing piece of chocolate cake? I’m sure you have. It’s absolutely exquisite tasting, and it needs nothing added to it to improve it at all. That’s Leonardo Dicaprio and Martin Scorsese. The combination these guys have worked out, they’re chocolate cake. You...

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Remakes that Suck: The Great Gatsby (2013)

Remakes that Suck: The Great Gatsby (2013)

The Great Gatsby (And How it Broke my Heart) 132 minutes. Rated PG 13. “I was within and without.” Never like a movie where important quotes fly at you on screen. It’s my new rule. This movie was the Cliff Notes I wish I could have had in high school when I read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and wasn’t quite sure what important things to write about in my essay. I really wanted so much to like this...

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